Note that you have to click on Query Setup to specify search conditions, and then check the box in the Place pane to view them. NGSCS – National Geodetic Survey Control Stations. Rings show up in a separate folder called “Saved Places” right-click on that folder and choose “Save As”, and you can save the rings as a static KML file for future use. RINGS – Easy range ring generator for Google Earth: PLSGE– Township/range/section/quadrant/subquadrant, meridian and special survey overlays: MagDec– Magnetic declination for any point in the world: The color relief is pretty low-res, though, and the B&W relief appears to be based on unpatched SRTM data, as it has a fair number of holes: Also has overlays for aerial digital orthoquads (color and B&W), and shaded relief maps (color and B&W). QUADS – Displays an index for USGS quad maps, and also the maps themselves as an overlay. Poking around their site further, turns out they have a page called Earth Survey, a set of KML network links that installs those features into the stand-alone version of Google Earth, plus additional links that offer data not found in that web app. We could stop here, but let's place the map onto Google Earth.Two weeks ago, I posted about a web app from Metzger and Willard that offers useful info like PLSS data and a topo quad index in a Google Earth plugin interface. Mouse-over the purple dots to find sections 16 and 17.If you zoom in close enough, the sections are also displayed. The BLM townships are displayed on Google Earth.Under "BLM Townships, Ranges, and Sections", click the "View On Google Earth" button.To position the plat map, we also need section lines.T10S R2E is displayed on the Google Earth screen.Click the "Fly To On Google Earth" button.In the drop-down boxes, select "California", "Mount Diablo", "10S", and "2E". In the Google Earth "My Places" section, right click on "Earth Point Townships. To keep the Google Earth screen from becoming too cluttered, let's delete the townships we already have.Therefore, we will use Earth Point's "Fly To" button to locate the township. Much of California's land survey is based on original land grants and is not laid out in a nice grid. At this point, you could look for T10S R2E, but this is harder than it seems.Centered on T10S R2E, Santa Clara County.