Effects may have a duration of one or more Frames, but only one Effect can be applied to an Object at any given Frame. 13ġ4 Fundamentals Timeline and Frames Each Object row shows the Effects that are applied to that Object. The rows are displayed in stacking order, with the Object that is in front of all other Objects displayed at the top (just below the Scene row), and the Object that is behind all other Objects displayed at the bottom. 12ġ3 Fundamentals Timeline and Frames The rows below the Scene row represent the Objects in the Scene. Frame Actions always have a duration of one Frame, but it is possible to execute more than one Action in a single Frame. These Actions are executed when the Movie reaches the Frame where the Action is located. 11ġ2 Fundamentals Timeline and Frames The top row shows the Frame Actions for the Scene. The Timeline Panel shows a visual representation of the Frames, with the first Frame at the left and last Frame at the right. 10ġ1 Fundamentals Timeline and Frames Each Scene is made up of a series of Frames. Objects can be added to the Scene by pressing one of the buttons on the Insert Toolbar, by selecting options from the Insert Menu, or by using one of the drawing tools in the Toolbox on the Layout Panel. A new Scene can be created by pressing the 'Insert Scene' button on the Insert Toolbar, or by selecting Scene from the Insert Menu. When a Scene is complete, all the Objects are removed from the display and the Movie automatically moves to the next Scene. 9ġ0 Fundamentals Scenes A Scene is a collection of Objects that are animated over a number of Frames. Select an export format choice by selecting Export from the File Menu. Movies can be exported in the formats: Shockwave Flash (.swf), video (.avi), Projector EXE (.exe), GIF animation (.gif), PNG file (.png). Existing Movies can be read from disk by pressing the 'Open' button on the Standard Toolbar, or by selecting Open from the File Menu. 8ĩ Fundamentals Flash Movies (cont.) Movies can be saved to disk (as a.swi file) by pressing the 'Save' button on the Standard Toolbar, or by selecting Save from the File Menu. Scenes can be added to a Movie by pressing the 'Insert Scene' button on the Insert Toolbar, or by selecting Scene from the Insert Menu. 7Ĩ Fundamentals Flash Movies (cont.) A new Movie can be created by pressing the 'New' button on the Standard Toolbar, or by selecting New from the File Menu. Properties of a Movie (including size, Frame Rate and background color) can be edited in the Movie Properties. A Movie contains all the Scenes, Objects, Effects, Events, and Actions that comprise the final animation. 6 Fundamentals Flash Movies Objects Tools Effects Components Scripting 6ħ Fundamentals Flash Movies A Movie is a sequence of Scenes.